In Bright Black Moon Wayne Hixon returns with the second installment in his sprawling, unconventional vampire saga. A mysterious storm blows through the town of Lynchville, Ohio, trapping two teenagers on a farm. It turns out that one of them might be a monster and , if that isn't enough to deal with, the evil Ilya has returned to try and finish what she started.
One evening Rachel Stokes is yanked from her bed and dragged into a black a van by two young abductors. They refer to her as a chosen sacrifice and her mind races, wondering where they might be taking her. She thinks she knows. There's a house located in a hollow of rural Lynchville. It's called the sad house, a place of legend. Rumors say it appears and disappears. Even worse than the house are the people who live in it. They could be vampires. The could just be ghosts with teeth. They've come after Rachel before and she narrowly escaped. And now they've come back to finish what they started in this horrifying and suspenseful novel by first time author Wayne Hixon.
Mel's Review of book 1
Fanfrickintastic! A dark, creepy, disturbing work of awesomeness!!! Let me say though this book is not for everyone, it has some very disturbing GRAPHIC scenes. If you are easily upset or offended, please don't read this. That being said I usually read paranormal romance and although in a weird way this was exactly that, it is like no romance I have ever read before. I happened to win it as a free first read so I figured I would give it a go and I am glad I did. Wayne Hixon weaves a hell of a story that had my emotions reeling for his characters and I have a feeling this book will stay at the back of my mind for quite a while. If you're looking for a great read that will keep you on your toes and make you squirm then I highly recommend Bright Black Moon.
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